Aquarius Ritual

We designed this ritual to be during Aquarius season; however, you can perform it anytime you want to harness the energy of the innovator or whenever you feel called. Trust your intuition, you are your own guide!

What you’ll need for the Aquarius ritual: 

Aquarius Crystal & CBD-Infused Body Oil

Cleansing herb (such as sage or palo santo) or incense

Journal and writing utensil

Optional: Candles, incense, additional crystals

Note: If you don't have one (or any!) of the tools, use whatever you have on hand. The tools are less important than the intention.

Collect your ritual tools, and light your candles, incense, and/or herb bundle. Be intentional with every step. Start by cleansing your body. You may choose to take a ritual shower or bath, or if you are short on time simply wash your face or hands, or brush your teeth. As you cleanse, envision all energy that isn't yours returning to its source. Next, cleanse the crystal and CBD-infused body oil with smoke from the herb bundle or incense. As you run your oil through the smoke, hold it in your hand and tune into the calming and confidence-building energy of aquamarine.


Use your intuition to choose one or more mantras (or choose your own) to repeat as you gently massage the oil into your body:

I embrace my unique self.

I am an innovator. 

I am a visionary.

I have everything I need within me. 

I feel authentically myself.

I love the beautiful, authentic weirdo that I am. 

I speak my authentic truth.

I see the vision for my dream future becoming a reality.

I see a collective future that serves the whole, and I help usher in the new age by embracing my true self and sharing my gifts freely.

I know who I am.

I receive insights from the Universe.


Anoint yourself with the crystal and CBD-infused body oil. Massage gently wherever you feel stress, tension, blocks, or strain. Follow where your intuition guides you, whether it’s your hands, feet, temples, scalp, or your whole body. Pay special attention to your ankles and shins as Aquarius rules your ankles, shins, and circulatory system.


As you massage, inhale & exhale deeply through your nose and feel the release of all tension. Breathe in the blend of scents to refresh your spirit, align your energy, and encourage the flow of conscious thought.


Feel your intuition sharpen as you absorb the energy of aquamarine, and feel your mind calming and your confidence blooming as you allow the insights from the universe to fill you up like you are the water bearer's cup. Close your eyes and imagine warm water pouring down from the heavens through your crown chakra, over your face, shoulders, arms, and torso. It flows over your hips, legs, and feet. It contains insights from the universe. Let them flow over you. Take several deep breaths. 

When you feel ready, come back to the room, come back to your body. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and stretch gently. Open your eyes and free-write the answers to any or all of the following questions:

Which parts of me want to come out of hiding?

What are the parts of me that I have considered weird that are begging to be embraced and expressed?

If I were to create a new reality for myself and my community, what would change?

What is one small step or practice that I can start to help usher that reality in?

How do I feel called to collaborate and who do I feel called to collaborate with?

What gifts do I have to share with my community that are uniquely mine?

What other insights came through?

Pay close attention to any flashes of insight or downloads that come through over the next few days.