Scorpio Ritual

Dive deep below the surface in order to step into your power with this Scorpio ritual. We designed this transformative ritual to be performed during Scorpio season, particularly during the New Moon in Scorpio; however, you can perform it anytime you want to face your fears and move past blocks, or whenever you feel called. Trust your intuition, you are your own guide!

What you’ll need for the Scorpio ritual: 

Scorpio Crystal & CBD-Infused Body Oil

Scorpio Crystal & CBD-Infused Bath Bomb

You can get them both at a discount with the Scorpio Bundle 

Cleansing herb (such as sage or palo santo) or incense

Journal & writing utensil

Optional: Candles, incense, additional crystals

Note: If you don't have one (or any!) of the tools, use whatever you have on hand. The tools are less important than the intention.

Collect your ritual tools, and run your bath. Get centered as you turn down the lights, and light your candles, incense, and/or herb bundle. Be mindful with every step. As your bath fills, cleanse the Black Tourmaline Crystal & CBD body oil with the smoke from the herb bundle or incense. As you do so, tune into the protective, cleansing, and transformative energy of Black Tourmaline. Next, run the Black Obsidian Crystal & CBD bath bomb through the smoke, and as you hold the bath bomb in your hand, feel the power and protection of the Black Obsidian. You are safe to dive deep and face your shadows.

Use your intuition to choose an affirmation or mantra to feel into throughout your bath. Suggestions include:

I alchemize my shadows into strength.

I step into my full power.

I transform and transmute through facing and integrating my limiting beliefs.

I have the power to make my deepest desires come true.

I shine light on my shadows.

I integrate my shadows.

I am worthy and deserving of my deepest desires.

When your bath is filled, place yourself and the bath bomb in the tub. Tune into your senses as you melt into your bath. Watch and listen as the bath bomb fizzes and transforms. Feel the deep soul-level healing of the Black Obsidian protecting you as you go deep into your psyche to see what is truly holding you back from your soul’s desires. Breathe in deeply and allow the supportive blend of patchouli, ylang-ylang, & frankincense wash over you. Allow the scents to support and uplift you as you navigate your own transformation. Stay in the bath for as long as you feel called, and then unplug the drain. As the tub empties, imagine all blocks, limiting beliefs, and outdated thought patterns that are keeping you from evolving into the highest version of yourself washing down the drain. You may want to repeat, "I release all things that no longer serve me down the drain". 


Dry yourself slightly when you get out of the bath. Before you anoint yourself with the Scorpio Crystal and CBD-infused body oil, rub a dropper-full between your hands, then cup your nose and breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathe in the restorative blend. Massage gently wherever you feel stress, tension, blocks, or strain. Follow where your intuition guides you. Scorpio rules the pelvis, reproductive organs, and genitals, as well as taboo topics like sex and money, so do with that what you will.​

As you massage, inhale & exhale deeply and feel the energy of protective energy of Black Tourmaline to help you transmute any more challenging thoughts and emotions into a high vibration. Breathe in the blend of scents to restore, support, and bring you back up from the depths.


When you feel ready, free-write or meditate on any or all of the following questions:

Where in my life am I giving away my power?

What limiting beliefs or outdated thought patterns are holding me back from what I truly desire?

What does my soul want at its core? How can I bring that into my life now, in small or big ways?

In what ways am I being called to transform and evolve?

What shadows of mine need light and integration?

What, if any, fears came up for me during this ritual, and how can I alchemize them?

What else came up for me during this ritual?