Pisces Ritual

We designed this ritual to be performed during Pisces season; however, you can perform it anytime you want to harness the energy of the mystic or whenever you feel called. Trust your intuition, you are your own guide!

What you’ll need for the Pisces ritual: 

Pisces Crystal & CBD-Infused Body Oil

Pisces Crystal & CBD-Infused Bath Bomb

Cleansing herb (such as sage or palo santo) or incense

Journal and writing utensil

Optional: Candles, incense, additional crystals

Note: If you don't have one (or any!) of the tools, use whatever you have on hand. The tools are less important than the intention.

Collect your ritual tools, and start your bath. Turn down the lights, and light your candles, incense, and/or herb bundle. Be intentional with every step. As your bath fills, cleanse the crystal and CBD-infused bath bomb and body oil with smoke from the herb bundle or incense. As you run your bath bomb through the smoke, hold it in your hand and tune into the protective, loving, and nurturing energy of the rose quartz crystal. Next, cleanse your crystal and CBD-infused body oil with the smoke and tune into the protective and spiritually-aligned energy of amethyst.


Use your intuition to choose a mantra to feel into throughout your bath. Suggestions include:

I believe all my dreams are coming true.

I believe my dream life is already mine.

I believe in a peaceful, compassionate world for all. 

I trust my intuition.

I am connected to Source.

We are all one.

I am divine. You are divine. We are all divine.

I envision my dreams coming true.

I know all my dreams have already come true. 

When your bath is filled, place yourself and the bath bomb in the tub. Watch as the bath bomb fizzes and transforms. Feel the energy of rose quartz nurturing and calming you, reminding you that you are unconditionally loved by the Divine and you are connected to all things. Breathe in deeply and allow the blend of Sweet Orange and Sandalwood to wash over you. Allow your body, mind, and spirit to fully relax as you tune into your mantra. Stay in the bath for as long as you feel called, and then unplug the drain. As the tub empties, imagine all obstacles, limiting beliefs, old patterns, stuck energy, other people's energy, and anything that is keeping you from your dreams, anything keeping you feeling separate from the divine, washing down the drain. You may want to repeat, "I release all things that no longer serve me down the drain"  or "I release all energy that is not mine down the drain."


Dry yourself slightly when you get out of the bath and anoint yourself with the crystal and CBD-infused body oil. Massage gently wherever you feel stress, tension, blocks, or strain. Follow where your intuition guides you, whether it’s your hands, temples, scalp, or your whole body. Pay special attention to massaging your sweet feet, as Pisces rules your feet and they contain many helpful pressure points.


As you massage, inhale & exhale deeply through your nose and feel your crown chakra open with the aid of the powerful, protective, and calming energy of amethyst. Breathe in the blend of scents to uplift your spirit and promote your intuition and deep trust in Source.



When you feel ready, free-write, doodle, collage, or draw the answers to the following questions:

What dreams want to come true for me?

What would my ideal life feel like?

What does my soul want to accomplish in this lifetime?

In what area of my life can I call in more kindness and compassion?

How can I invite more magic into my life?

Pisces rules the dreamworld, so pay special attention to your dreams after you perform this ritual.