Cancer Ritual

We designed this nourishing ritual to be performed during Cancer season, particularly during the New Moon in Cancer; however, you can perform it anytime you want to harness the nurturing, comforting, and homey nature of Cancer or whenever you feel called. Trust your intuition, you are your own guide!

What you’ll need for the Cancer ritual: 

Cancer Crystal & CBD-Infused Body Oil

Cancer Crystal & CBD-Infused Bath Bomb

You can get them both at a discount with the Cancer Bundle 

Cleansing herb (such as sage or palo santo) or incense

Journal and writing utensil

Optional: Candles, incense, additional crystals

Note: If you don't have one (or any!) of the tools, use whatever you have on hand. The tools are less important than the intention.

Collect your ritual tools, and run your bath. Get centered and mindful by turning down the lights, and lighting your candles, incense, and/or herb bundle. Be intentional with every step. As your bath fills, cleanse the Cancer Moonstone Crystal and CBD-infused bath bomb and Blue Lace Agate Crystal & CBD body oil with smoke from the herb bundle or incense. As you run your bath bomb through the smoke, hold it in your hand and tune into the calming and soothing energy of the moonstone crystal that reminds us to embrace new beginnings and to remember the lessons of the tides, reminding us that life is a cycle of change. Next, cleanse your Crystal and CBD-infused body oil with the smoke and tune into the healing and supportive energy of Blue Lace Agate which can nurture and support you while bringing you peace of mind.

Use your intuition to choose an affirmation or mantra to feel into throughout your bath. Suggestions include:

I feel safe and protected.

I honor my feelings and emotions.

My emotions are my greatest teachers.

I feel at home.

I feel nourished and nurtured.

I nurture the ones I love and accept nurturing in return.

When your bath is filled, place yourself and the bath bomb in the tub. Tune into your senses as you melt into your bath. Watch and listen as the bath bomb fizzes and transforms. Feel the intuitive energy of moonstone enhancing your ability to reflect and tune into your own emotions. Breathe in deeply and allow the meditative blend of frankincense and myrrh to wash over you. Allow the scents to calm your thoughts and feelings, uplift you, and tune into your spiritual awareness. Stay in the bath for as long as you feel called, and then unplug the drain. As the tub empties, imagine all blocks to feeling safe and nurtured and any fears holding you back washing down the drain. You may want to repeat, "I release all things that no longer serve me down the drain". 


Dry yourself slightly when you get out of the bath. Before you anoint yourself with the Cancer Crystal and CBD-infused body oil, rub a dropper-full between your hands, then cup your nose and breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. Massage gently wherever you feel stress, tension, blocks, or strain. Follow where your intuition guides you. Pay special attention to massaging your chest and stomach, as Cancer rules these parts of the body. The stomach is also thought to be the emotional center of the body, which makes sense for this sensitive sign!

As you massage, inhale & exhale deeply and feel the insightful, soothing energy of Blue Lace Agate, reminding you to honor your feelings without letting them overtake you. Breathe in the blend of scents to uplift and align your spirit as you slip into a deeper meditative state.


When you feel ready, free-write or meditate on any or all of the following questions:

What makes me feel at home? Who makes me feel at home?

Where do I feel called to nurture myself more? How can I nurture others more?

How can I better honor my emotions when they come up without letting them overpower me?

What else came up for me during this ritual?