Gemini Ritual

We designed this ritual to be performed during Gemini season, particularly during the New Moon in Gemini; however, you can perform it anytime you want to harness the communicative, imaginative, dual energy of Gemini or whenever you feel called. Trust your intuition, you are your own guide!

What you’ll need for the Gemini ritual: 

Gemini Crystal & CBD-Infused Body Oil

Gemini Crystal & CBD-Infused Bath Bomb

You can get them both at a discount with the Gemini Bundle

Cleansing herb (such as sage or palo santo) or incense

Journal and writing utensil

Optional: Candles, incense, additional crystals

Note: If you don't have one (or any!) of the tools, use whatever you have on hand. The tools are less important than the intention.

Collect your ritual tools, and start your bath. Set the vibe by turning down the lights, and lighting your candles, incense, and/or herb bundle. Be mindful with every step. As your bath fills, cleanse the Gemini Agate Crystal and CBD-infused bath bomb and Blute Apatite Crystal & CBD body oil with smoke from the herb bundle or incense. As you run your bath bomb through the smoke, hold it in your hand and tune into the harmonizing energy of the agate crystal that aids in mental clarity and communication. Next, cleanse your crystal and CBD-infused body oil with the smoke and tune into the imaginative and insightful​ energy of Blue Apatite which can aid in clarity and communication (Gemini’s favorite pastime)!

Use your intuition to choose an affirmation or mantra to feel into throughout your bath. Suggestions include:

I express myself freely and authentically.

The perfect collaborators always present themselves.

I am supported.

I communicate and connect with others.

I am a clear and confident communicator.

My mind is clear and calm.

I can freely express my emotions just as well as I can thoughts and ideas.

When your bath is filled, place yourself and the bath bomb in the tub. Tune into your senses as you luxuriate in your bath. Watch and listen as the bath bomb fizzes and transforms. Feel the protective energy of agate infusing you with mental clarity, emotional balance, and the ability to communicate clearly. Breathe in deeply and allow the floral & citrus blend of jasmine and bergamot to wash over you. Allow the uplifting blend to soothe your active mind and enhance your mood. Stay in the bath for as long as you feel called, and then unplug the drain. As the tub empties, imagine all blocks to your expression and any fears holding you back washing down the drain. You may want to repeat, "I release all things that no longer serve me down the drain". 


Dry yourself slightly when you get out of the bath. Before you anoint yourself with the Gemini Crystal and CBD-infused body oil, rub a dropper-full between your hands, then cup your nose and breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. Massage gently wherever you feel stress, tension, blocks, or strain. Follow where your intuition guides you, whether it’s your hands, feet, temples, scalp, or your whole body. Pay special attention to massaging your hands, arms, and shoulders as Gemini rules these parts of your body (and it should feel really good too!).

As you massage, inhale & exhale deeply and feel the insightful, clarifying energy of Blue Apatite, reminding you that your unique creative expression and communication will help you connect with others and find the support you need. Breathe in the blend of scents to boost your mood and calm your mind.


When you feel ready, free-write or meditate on any or all of the following questions:

Where can I express myself with more freedom and authenticity?

How can I communicate more clearly, both my thoughts and ideas as well as my feelings?

Where can I ask for help or support from those around me?

Where can I invite more adaptability and flexibility in my life? What about more focus and follow-through?