Innovative New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon is at 20°40 Aquarius on February 9th, 2024, at 5:59 pm ET

The sun entered Aquarius on January 20th, 2024. It is traditionally a season of insight, downloads, and innovation. However, this Aquarius season is supercharged because Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, also moved into Aquarius on the same day as the sun. It is in Aquarius for the first and only time in our lifetime and is embarking upon its approximately 20-year transit through the sign of innovation, technology, new-age wisdom, and community. Expect massive transformation in the way we interact with technology, each other, and the collective. We are all getting another extra dose of Aquarian energy on February 9th, 2024, when the New Moon occurs in Aquarius as well. Not to mention the fact that by February 16th, Mars, Mercury, and Venus will all be in Aquarius too! That's a lot of innovation and a lot of air energy all at once.

New Moons are beautiful times to set intentions using the energy of the sign they are in as a guide. This New Moon is charged with optimism and a bit of rebellion. It is a beautiful time for personal transformation and to honor and share your fantastically weird and unique self with the world. Embrace what makes you authentically you, so that you can contribute to the whole and collaborate with the collective. Your authenticity is your gift to the world. If we each embrace our true selves, we can help raise the vibration of the collective and create a world that supports the whole. If the energy feels slightly destabilizing (with all that aforementioned air energy), we recommend you remember to ground into the earth, tap into your true self, and tune into optimism.

Check out this innovative Aquarius Ritual HERE


Dreamy New Moon in Pisces